We empower those who experience barriers to employment, regardless of age, ability, or experience. We provide the opportunity for training, education and employment through person centred, trauma-based support.

Stirling Community Enterprise provides support services for individuals to provide opportunities to empower and maximise potential.


We provide individuals with the support they need throughout their employment journey. Developing personal resilience, reducing any barriers they have and providing opportunities to empower and maximise potential.


Job Searching




Interview Techniques


Reducing Barriers


We provide regular accredited, non-accredited and personal development programs, creating opportunities for individuals to learn new skills and develop existing ones.


Construction Skills


School Transition


Wood Upcycling

Stirling Community Enterprise provides regular accredited, non-accredited and personal development programs, creating opportunities to learn new skills and develop existing ones.
We pride ourselves here at Stirling Community Enterprise in working collaboratively with other organisations such as the DWP, NHS and SDS to make their services more accessible to those who need them.


We pride ourselves in working collaboratively with other organizations to make their services more accessible to those who need them. Though inviting partners such as the DWP, NHS and SDS to make use of our facilities we can provide.


Univeral Credit Support


Health Checks


Career Support

Resilient Futures

Stirling Community Enterprise, in partnership with Police Scotland and GoForth (BID – Stirling’s Business Improvement District) are collaborating to fund this new innovative new project to tackle anti-social behaviour within Stirling.

The project aims to support a safer, welcoming and more resilient city by reducing anti-social behaviour and creating alternative pathways for young people to access education, training and employment.

The project will also align with SCE’s funding from Cora and our commitment to The Promise, helping to address the root cause of poverty and inequality within our communities.

Resilient Futures is a partnership between Stirling Community Enterprise, Police Scotland and GoForth.

Current & Quarterly Timetable

We deliver a range of training courses and support services aimed at supporting individuals to overcome personal barriers, learn new skills and achieve their goals. We publish a timetable of our services here on a quarterly basis.

If you are interested in any of our courses or services, get in touch via our contact form. 



Course Date Details

Gaming for Employability

(Aged 16-25)

Starting 30th Jan


12-week course for Young people facing barriers to employment who want to gain skills and confidence through e-sports.
Justice Support By 1 to 1 Appointment
Monday – Friday
9am – 5pm
Support is offered on a one to one basis to people who are or have been within the community justice system or at risk of becoming involved in the justice system.
Wood Upcycling Workshop Fridays
Session 1: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Session 2: 1.15pm – 3.30pm
A low commitment opportunity for gaining practical skills and confidence building.
1 to 1 Support By 1 to 1 Appointment
Monday – Friday
9am – 5pm
Specialist employability support for overcoming barriers that are preventing you from moving forward into further training, education, employment or volunteering.
Mental Health & Wellbeing By 1 to 1 Appointment Monthly Mental health and wellbeing sessions delivered by Lee-Anne of Trossachs Wellbeing. Using various talking techniques to work through issues, challenges or trauma.
Weekly Job Club

Starting 19th Feb

Wednesdays 13:30 – 15:00

Get support from our team to search and apply for jobs, tune up your cv and develop your interview skills.
NHS Keepwell By 1 to 1 Appointment Monthly Meet with our NHS Nurse Fiona for health assessments and tailored advice/support to help improve your health and wellbeing.
Words for Work

Starting 27th Jan

Mondays & Fridays

This program is designed to enhance language and literacy skills for the employment sector and job searching.


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